How To Sell More With Less Effort And Less Stress

27 October 2022

Close up of a person handing over $100 notes to another person

The number one thing I have noticed is that people are just focusing on features in their sales copy (advert wording).

Here it is… If you want to sell a lot more of whatever you sell, you have to focus on the right things.

What are the right things? Believe it or not, they are not your product or service. Success comes from focusing on the emotional payoff your clients or customers will get when they click, sign up or buy. People don’t want to buy your product or service. They’re buying a result that your product or service promises and most of the time the result they want is a feeling.

Do yourself a favour, stop selling the features of your product. Make sure your sales copy answers their questions by focusing on the result. The most valuable skill you will ever learn is copy writing – the art of inspiring people to take action.

How To Be Unique…

Selling the emotional payoff is essential because most of your competitors are selling the features of their products.

That means you can set yourself apart in the marketplace by simply focusing on the payoff instead of the features.

The Next Steps

Here’s what you need to do today!

Write up the 10 results that people get from your product or service. Then write down the emotion that’s tied to that result. And before you say this is going to be a lot of work, imagine the power that it will give to your sales copy.

Some emotions people will feel include:

  • Satisfaction
  • Security
  • Pride
  • Love
  • Self-esteem
  • Freedom from fear

This exercise will open a whole new world of words that you can use to sell your product or service.

The Takeaway…

  1. You will sell a lot more if you focus on the emotional payoff of the product or service you are selling.
  2. People are looking to buy things that give them a result of some kind and, more often than not, the tangible result they want is emotional.
  3. Make sure you STOP focusing on the features of your product or service and START focusing on what your product/service will DO for your customers!
  4. Pay close attention to your customers emotions and how your product or service will help your audience feel the way they want to feel.
  5. People buy what they want not what they need.
  6. Make sure your sales copy is all about them.
  7. Use ‘You’ and ‘Your’ in your copy avoid words like ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’, ‘we’ and ‘ours’. When you find those words change the perspective so it’s about all about them – not about you. Remember: people don’t care about you. They care about having their needs met, their problems solved, their fears calmed, and their desires satisfied.

If you need assistance with any of the topics included in this blog post, contact our team today on 1300 249 482 or

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